
500THz is a brand research and strategy firm for companies in pursuit of what's next. 


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Who We Are

Josh Carlton SQUARE-1 Headshot.jpg

5OOTHz is a boutique market research firm. We delight in using creativity + data to find better ways to understand the relationship between your business and your customers.




Josh Carlton is a researcher with an activation perspective, formed over 20+ years in research and insights.

Comfortable with qualitative research, quantitative research, and large data sets, Josh is fueled by creating organizational change. He has solved digital and brand problems for 125+ companies in nearly every industry. Categories of focus include automotive, retail, travel/tourism, and technology.

He's previously worked at creative organizations — Arnold, The Martin Agency, McGarrah Jessee, McKinney, The Paragraph Project, VCU, and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – in leadership roles as a brand planner, researcher, digital strategist, and professor.

Contact: hello@500thz.com or LinkedIn 

Category Experience Includes: 

Apparel | B2B Technology | Consumer Technology | Retail | Restaurant | Automotive | B2B Professional Services | CPG | eCommerce | Energy | Entertainment | Financial Services | Fitness | Food & Beverage | Health Care | Home | Hospitality | Insurance | Lifestyle | Media | Non-Profit | Travel & Tourism


market research | qualitative research | moderating | quantitative research | data science | analytics | customer insights | brand strategy | account planning | creative strategy | brand positioning | brand refresh | digital strategy | social strategy | new product development | training


About Our Network

Our extensive global network includes researchers, videographers, photographers, and more. We are able to efficiently bring resources together to meet your learning objectives. 


If You Are Asking Questions Like This...

  • How do I make this segmentation actionable for my organization?

  • Who should I be trying to reach with my marketing and communications efforts? 

  • What can I learn from all the research reports and data my organization has already conducted, in order to inform my upcoming marketing and communications planning?

  • How do I keep up when our competition is outspending my company 10:1 in paid media?

  • How do I plug the gap when a leader in my research and insights department just left?

…5OOTHz can help you dig into answers for these questions, and more.